In diesem Online WEB-Shop können Sie unsere LowCost Versionen direkt bestellen.

Darüber hinaus bieten wir folgende Industrie Lösungen an: Preise nur auf Anfrage!

Im 2D Bereich Schemata:
 ESplan® 90 Professional
 ESplan® 90
 ESplan® Choise
 ESplan® V2 
 ESplan® V2sp

Im 3D Bereich Mechatronik:
 Espace® Basic
 Espace® Professional

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Unsere Lowcost Serie im Einzelnen:


ESplan/PE is a starter package ideal for a low-cost-start into the professional world of high-end solutions in the electrical CAE / CAD segment. Designed projects are upward compatible to all other ESplan ® versions. An upgrade to higher versions is possible at any time without problems.

ESplan ® is an easy-to-learn software for designing circuit – and control diagrams in electrical and fluid. Automated functions determine the material needs, manufacturing- and production- data.